Reading Power

Author: Beatrice S. Mikulecky, Linda Jeffries
Published by: Longman
File size: 20.7 Mb
File type: pdf

Reading Power, Third Edition, by Beatrice S. Mikulecky and Linda Jeffries, is a student-centered reading skills textbook with a process approach to reading improvement. Its innovative design allows intermediate-level students to use four key sections concurrently to become better readers in school, college, or business.

* Reading for Pleasure encourages students to master new reading strategies and broaden their vocabulary.
* Comprehension Skills emphasizes strategic reading skills, such as skimming, scanning, and recognizing topics and main ideas.
* Thinking Skills provides targeted practice in inference and analytical skills.
* Reading Faster features high-interest, nonfiction selections that help students build speed and flexibility in their reading.

New to the Third Edition:

* A two-color design and user-friendly format
* Updated content, additional readings, and an expanded list of suggested books for pleasure reading
* Expanded Teacher's Guide with sample syllabus
* Separate Answer Key

Test booklets contain reproducible black line masters to be used as additional practice or to test reading skills

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