Discovering Islam - Making Sense Of Muslim History And Society

Author: Ahmed, Akbar
Published by: Routledge
File size: 1,55 MB
File type: PDF

Book Description

Now reissued with a new introduction, Discovering Islam is a classic account of how the history of Islam and its relations with the west have shaped Islamic society today. Islam is often caricatured as aggressive and fanatic. Written in the tradition of Ibn Khaldun, this readable and wide ranging book balances that image, uncovers the roots of Islamic discontent and celebrates the sources of its strength. From the four "ideal Caliphs" who succeeded the Prophet to the refugee camps of Peshawar, an objective picture emerges of the main features of Muslim history and the compulsions of Muslim society.

Asian Affairs
"An intriguing mixture of the history of primitive Islam . . . very readable."

History Today
"[Ahmed is] one of the more gifted and sensitive Muslim minds of today . . . With Discovering Islam, he moves beyond anthropology . . . to set before us the kindlier face of Islam and the dynamics of its history."

Religious Studies Review
"[Ahmed's] bold treatment of such issues as poverty, the status of women, and the plight of refugees contributes to the study's timeliness."

Anthropology and Humanism Quarterly
"Using anthropology and history, Ahmed presents a very readable and valuable study of Islam which provides Westerners with a clear and accurate understanding of this important religion and its influence on numerous cultures."


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